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Michael Miller's New Selected Works, TEA AND SUBTITLES Available for Pre-Order

Moon Tide is proud to announce the release of Michael Miller's new selected works, Tea and Subtitles! The collection will be available this August, but you can pre-order now and enjoy FREE SHIPPING.

Michael founded Moon Tide in 2006, before handing the Press over to Eric Morago in 2017. We are thrilled to celebrate our founding publisher with this wonderful book collecting the best work of his career as a poet.

"In a city awake on tea and subtitles, / the freshman boys fight off sleep / to hear a bluesman sing at the corner club" -- so begins Michael Miller's "College Town," which served as the title poem for his first book and now provides the title phrase for this retrospective collection. Miller, a former Los Angeles Times journalist and organizer for years of the Muckenthaler Cultural Center's poetry series, published his first poem, "Elegy for a Rhythm Guitarist," in 1999 in the UCI literary journal Faultline. That effort appears in this collection along with 49 other poems, including the Pushcart Prize nominees "The Pool Coach Sings Hallelujah" and "Crossing, Harpers Ferry," the never-published-in-book-form "The Beatles at 80," and three pieces -- "December," "Museum of Tolerance" and "Blues Man" -- that are spotlighted on the Poetry Foundation's website. The newest poem here, also making its book debut, is "Ofrenda for John Gardiner," a tribute to the Southern California poet who died in 2017. In addition to the poems, Tea and Subtitles features a cover by the author's brother, artist Chris Miller, and a foreword by Alabama Poet Laureate Jennifer Horne.

To pre-order and enjoy FREE SHIPPING click HERE or on the link below:

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