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Moon Tide Wishes You All a Safe and Festive Day of Gratitude

I have thought about how I would start this blog post over and over again—wanting so desperately to dive into giving thanks for all Moon Tide and I have to be grateful for, but also feeling that doing so somehow dismisses what a difficult year it has been for so many. I recognize there will be many this holiday season for which gratitude will be a desert mirage—something their eyes and mind convinces themselves of in order to give them, rightfully so, hope. But for me, gratitude is much more tangible this year than it ever has been.

I am grateful for so many things and Moon Tide Press is a such a large part of that. I am grateful that, despite this pandemic and how it’s impacted our ability to gather around poetry as we once would, we have thrived. With other presses having to hit pause or fold completely we have been able to push on and continue publishing. We put out seven titles this year, five in the face of the pandemic—no small feat considering there are much bigger things to focus our attention on in the world today than poetry. Then again, maybe not; maybe there will always be a need for more poetry. I am grateful for our authors, especially those five who trusted us enough to release their collections amid a climate of uncertainty, who adapted their plans from big release parties to internet livestreams. Please know, when it is safe to party in person, we will party. I am grateful for our future authors and their desire to be a part of the Moon Tide family. I cannot wait to publish them—we have so many amazing books slated for 2021 into 2022. I am grateful for all our readers—for everyone who bought a book this year, which in turn helped to keep us working on the next book and so on. I am grateful for our patrons and subscribers who invest in our future and who I get to send books to throughout the year to show thanks. And lastly, I am so very grateful to the Moon Tide team: Dania Alkhouli, Ellen Webre, Michael Wada, Victoria Lynne McCoy, José Enrique Medina, and Jim Hoggatt. Whether creating social media posts and marketing strategies, designing layout, or editing/proofreading pages and pages and pages of poems, you each are invaluable to this press and to me. Thank you.

To show our deep appreciation, Moon Tide will be offering an incredible sale on our past titles, mystery bags, and patron packages. Please check back with us tomorrow for the details! In the meantime, however you celebrate today, we wish you a safe and festive day of gratitude.

Lastly, thank you, dear reader—whether you be a stranger or a dear friend—you are here with us now and hopefully for all that is yet to come.

Eric Morago

Publisher, Moon Tide Press


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