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New Year & New Books on the Way!!!

Happy New Year from Moon Tide Press!

It’s officially been one year since I agreed to carry on the torch of the Press and I couldn’t be happier with how things have and are going for Moon Tide.

In 2017 we relaunched the website, carried on the tradition of the Poet of the Month feature, had a slew of new supporters become subscribers and patrons of the Press, opened a call for submissions for a new anthology for which we received so many poems it made the task of choosing those we did very, very difficult, and lastly published the anthology Lullaby of Teeth (my first publication as Moon Tide’s new publisher and editor-in-chief). I want to thank everyone who had a hand in making my first year at Moon Tide so memorable and exciting.

That said, 2018 is shaping up to be even MORE exciting. We have some great books coming out in the following months. First, we will be publishing Daniel McGinn’s second full-length collection, The Moon, My Lover, My Mother, & The Dog. Next, we will be publishing our first ever chapbook (we look forward to doing more in the future!), Alexis Rhone Fancher’s dynamite Junkie Wife. Following that, comes the second full-length collection from Peggy Dobreer, Drop & Dazzle. All three of these collections are fantastic and deserve a home on your poetry shelf.

Now would be a perfect time to become a subscriber, patron, or gold patron of the Press. Doing so guarantees you a copy of all the titles released in one calendar year from your subscription and/or renewal date…plus some other perks. Packages range from $30 for a subscriber, $40 for a patron, and $50 for a gold patron. If interested just click on the words: subscriber, patron, or gold patron and the magic of the internet will do the rest. To learn more about the individual packages you can find the info here on our site.

The more subscribers and patrons we have the bigger our print orders can be, which means the more poetry we can get out there in the world. And, trust me when I say, these are poems that need to get out there into people’s hands.

We will also be releasing another anthology in October 2018…call for submissions will go out in the Spring. It’s a themed anthology. Top secret for now. Don’t be “scared.” You’ll have plenty of time to write/submit some “killer” poems.

Lastly, Lullaby of Teeth: An Anthology of Southern California Poetry is still going strong! We have a few more readings lined up so stay tuned. The first one of 2018 will be Monday, January 8th at 2nd Mondays Poetry Party in Long Beach at Fox Coffee House. Featured readers from the anthology will be: Alexis Rhone Fancher, Victoria Lynne McCoy, Armine Iknadossian, Bill Cushing, and Zachary Locklin. The reading starts at 7 PM and there is an open mic. Hope to see you there!

That’s it for now, gentle readers. Thank you for your awesomeness. Here’s to the coming months of a new year…


Eric Morago


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