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The Silence of Doorways on Thursday

“if you want to avoid annihilation open your mouth and sing” — Sharon Venezio

At the intersection of poetry, medicine, and family is The Silence of Doorways, by Sharon Venezio, and it’s quite the spot to be. It was not until the final poem where I felt the title click—because that’s also the title of the last poem—but Sharon does a wonderful job introducing the book with a spot on quote from John Berger, “The camera relieves us of the burden of memory.” It perfectly opens the door to understanding photography in the lens of life—and I am so here for it! As a writer, poet and photographer, still stuck in a hospital by my father’s bedside, this book was invoking the far too familiar but in such a perfectly cathartic way, I was constantly dropping the book into my lap and being stolen away in a line.

The level of rawness and creativity in this book is immeasurable. You can taste the ache, the mental health struggles, the loss, the love, the family, the chaos and beauty of life, all intertwined so eloquently in her lines. Just indulge this line right here, “…hope can be an anchor; it’s easier to just let go.” To ride the wave of uncertainty from the vast ebb and flow of every doctor’s differing opinion, I felt that sentiment so hard.

I promise you, there are plenty more lines like that, frequently taking your breath away. Hands down, this is definitely one amazing title from Moon Tide Press worth adding to your bookshelf. Order your own copy at and stay tuned in for our next #tbtFeature!

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